Hey everyone! My name is Ann-Marie and I blog over at Miles To Go, a blog where transparency is key and the words flow straight from my heart to the keyboard. I am a faithful Jesus enthusiast, nursing student fueled by coffee, girlfriend, marathon runner, and amateur writer who believes that living transparent and vulnerably is the first step to loving what you have been blessed to have in life.
Once you have an idea you can spread the seeds and start planning your garden.
The seasons of our lives and the plant we are growing is always changing according to where God wants us to be. That’s one of the most exciting parts of life! We always have room to grow therefore our lives are always meaningful. God created a role for you to play in His kingdom that only you can play. He equipped uniquely you with the abilities you need to fulfill His purpose.
I pray you find clarity and focus in whatever season you are in!
Thanks for reading and God bless!
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