This could have many titles. I couldn't pick just one, so...
Goodbye status quo
New normal
Mouse to a lion
Living the life Jesus made for you
I like music when I am thinking, so here is an amazing song to go along with my thoughts.What's holding you back? Do you want a life that is full life? Do you have the God designed life? You can't have it with things holding you back. John 10:10To grab on to promises you can't hold on to what is holding you back. Ephesians 3:20
Some steps to get this life. Find the excuse. Stop listing to the voices. Don't get in a rut. Always look for ways to show Jesus. People in the bible used excuses also. Moses. Giddion, Jeremiah they all found the excuse but then went on to make history.
Let it go. Most excuses are linked to fears.
Replace it with something. Replace it with a verse. 2 Timothy 1:7.See the life that God bought for you. Forget the land you have been living in. Think about your promised land that God has given you. Israel went to the promised land in 40 years. It should have taken 11 days. We as humans we mess up His plan so much but he sees His plan through when you are ready to let it go. Don't be the person that misses out because you are holding on to mediocrity. Joshua in the battle of Jericho, before the battle he was told he had already won. Then was given the battle strategy of walking around walls for seven days, their faith of carrying out the crazy battle plan since they already knew the promised land. Joshua 6:2
Ready to step into life after giving up what's holding you back? Psalms 37:3Trust God! Take the first step! Joshua 3:8In the scripture they had to take the first step before his promise was fulfilled. His opinion is the only one that matters. Don't you think Joshua's fighters felt weird and thought other would think they were crazy for marching around a city and blowing horns? Accept his promises in your life and know they are for you. Psalms 37:3-5Get in the habit of looking to him first. Take delight in Him. Get to know him, get to know his heart. Experience his hearts Psalms 37:4-5Commit everything to the Lord. Romans 12:1-2
God brings out the best in you and develops well formed maturity. He is the great I am. He wants to show the best of us. When Moses, Jeremiah, and Giddion were telling his excises, God said, "I am. I am with you."
Yeah 6 easy steps right?! Ha! It was easy to type but is hard to actually do in your life and my life daily. I will have to remind myself daily, when I am picking up my cross and following him. The John 10:10life is waiting on you, when you lay down your life and live His.
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