Did you know that your words are alive?
Not only do they convey thoughts and intentions, but they have the power to give life or to cut others down to size. For those of us who speak both through spoken and written word, we have even more of a responsibility to make sure our words are faithful to the Spirit of God in us. A careless word typed is the same as a careless word spoken. When we talk, write, email, etc. we are putting into existence feelings, thoughts, and beliefs. If those things that we are sending out into the world are not spoken from a heart that is in line with Christ, then we are setting ourselves and our testimony up for harm.
No one is perfect, we all say things we don’t mean or fail to say things that we should. However, it’s in the journey and the process that we are formed into the likeness of Jesus. Let’s look at some verses that show just how important our words are (typed or otherwise).
1. Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit. (Proverbs 18:21)
When we speak to others we are either instilling in them a breath of life or one of death. Don’t be literal here… more than likely no one will keel over if you insult them. However, a tiny fraction of the spirit is hurt when careless and harmful words are spoken. (Sticks and stones is a bunch of phooey… words absolutely can hurt!). The end of this Scripture is key here- “those who love it will its fruit”. Have you ever heard the phrase “you’ll eat your words”? Do you want to eat sweet wholesome fruit, or nasty rotten fruit? You get to pick because whatever you dish out will return to you in some form or fashion. (Rubber and glue here people)
2. But I tell you that every careless word that people speak, they shall give an accounting for it in the day of judgment. (Matthew 12:36)
Oooooh, this one hurts. Regardless of motive or intent, we will have to give account for the words that we speak and send out into the world. Makes you want to keep your mouth closed a little more doesn’t it? (If you’re like me, sometimes that’s a little easier said than done).
3. A soothing tongue is a tree of life, but perversion in it crushes the spirit. (Proverbs 15:4)
Here it is again: that whole life vs. death thing. Soothing here means encouraging, uplifting, truthful, straightforward, etc. These things breathe life into others; when we pervert our words with sarcasm (soooo guilty of this one), ill-intent, passive-aggressiveness, and the like, we are tainting our God-given gifts with rottenness that only does harm to the people hearing them. God tells us another thing or two in Ephesians regarding this thought…
4. Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear. (Ephesians 4:29)
Edification is building someone up, not tearing them down and making them feel bad (even if you think they might deserve it). Giving grace is not just forgiving someone or seeing past a flaw (that’s mercy), but actually blessing that person beyond what they deserve. How easy is it to control what we say? Well, look what James says about it:
5. No one can tame the tongue; it is a restless evil and full of deadly poison.
Yikes, that’s some harsh words… and not very encouraging at that. We’re supposed to only speak nurturing things, but we can’t tame our tongue? WHAT THE MESS ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO THEN?! The answer is to get so close to God that He rubs off on you. When we do this, not only do our actions start to change, our words and even our thoughts will eventually start to reflect the holiness of God. (Note that I said “eventually”; again, it’s a process). Here’s that prayer I was talking about:
6. Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips. (Psalm 141:3)
Our mouth is a doorway to either delight or destruction and only God is qualified enough to play bouncer there. We need to work hard and try our best, but ultimately it’s His presence being so full in us that He spills out of our mouths. Let’s look at one last verse that we can pray and hope everyday for, in order for our spoken and written words to best glorify our Savior:
7. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my rock and my Redeemer. (Psalm 19:14)
We don’t have to be paranoid or worrisome that we’re going to say the wrong things… BECAUSE WE WILL! God doesn’t expect perfection, He expects progression! Try your best to line up what you say with the character of God, then let Him fill in the blanks of whatever you’re worried about. Satan will do his nastiest to try and disarm you from being effective in the Kingdom by making you believe what you want to say is worthless or even just not good enough. We have to be careful with our words, but not crazy about it! Get close to God, give Him the job of guarding your words, and review them before you speak/write them. After that, honey, let go and let GOD!
Prayerful Bloggers says
Thanks for commenting and for the sweet words! Actually, the only sources I used for this post was the Bible and my own experience. It’s amazing the insight that God gives us in His Word when we look at it in every facet of our lives. God bless you and your mission!