All of Heaven was silent for once;
the winds of His praises had stilled.
The flurry of wings that had always been heard
sat anxious to see this fulfilled.
This whisper of promise we heard of
when man turned his back on The Way…
resolve left its echo through creations’ cry
and has been resounding each day.
The host sat impatiently waiting;
I knelt near the post been assigned,
for these people the Father had chosen-
an unusual choice for divine.
For centuries, I knew of this coming,
my mission would start when He came.
When Deity humbly would take on the form
of an infant with salvation’s name.
This filth that the family was forced to,
beasts of burden surrounding my King…
why would He allow such a lowly display
for the Promise His coming would bring?
Adoration consumed the confusion
as I knew my Lord God had His plan.
I did not need to know the choices He made;
I would be there when Peace became man.
Alighting on each side around me,
my fellows took stations of care.
Only footsteps away from the girl He chose-
our defense for the child she’d bear.
Again questions left my mind in wonder
as His name filtered throughout my soul.
“Emmanuel”- God being common as man;
Adam’s children, do you really know
that GOD, our Creator, has chosen
to relinquish His glory divine,
to exist among people of sin and of spite,
to be ransomed by Earth’s space and time?
I had never known moments without Him;
from before there was time, He was near.
The angels and beings He brought forth to serve
had always considered Him dear.
Yet these small ones whose sin left them altered
are the precious ones chosen by grace.
So, for the first time, they all will see Heaven
when Emmanuel enters this place.
My thoughts were all shattered and broken,
pierced through by pain’s agonized wail-
a sound that my ears had not ever endured,
all because of a babe small and frail.
As we watched in great anticipation,
a truly miraculous sight…
the God that had always been right within reach
broke the sound of this once silent night.
As His mother brought Him close against her
and we witnessed the love in His eyes,
there erupted a shout that the universe hailed
when our praises filled all of the skies.
Glory to God in the highest of highs!
Mercy lies on those who favor rests.
Unto all of mankind, to the ends of the age,
full redemption calls each of you blessed.
We fell at the feet of our Maker,
amazed at the treasure we found.
For this child would live and then die for this world-
which we now regard as holy ground.
I lifted my eyes to the Heavens,
in awe of His mercy and grace.
From the throne, stood the Father, with tears in His eyes
but a smile of love on His face.
This world to foundation is shaken;
your KING gives His life up for you!
From the infant in arms to the arms on the cross,
there was nothing that Love would not do.
Oh Earth, don’t you see what you’re given?
In need, your Creator clings tight.
As the shepherds rush in and the angels move on,
please remember this once silent night.
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