Peace. Everyone wants it but few truly have it. When most people think of peace it involves world peace, Christmas, everyone getting along, or just a day laying on the beach.
The word ‘peace’ is used 429 times in the King James Version, but what does it mean? I can mean tranquility, harmony, security, prosperity or well being. In the Old Testament the word used is “shalom” for peace. It is often tied to covenants or promises kept or in some cases a familiar friend. So technically peace is something like a best friend… that one person who holds your hand and walks through life beside you.
Shalom – completeness, wholeness, health, peace, welfare, safety soundness, tranquility, prosperity, perfectness, fullness, rest, harmony, the absence of agitation or discord. In modern Hebrew the word is Shelem which means to pay for, and Shulam meaning to be fully paid.
Paid for. The only way for us to find Peace is embracing the one who paid for us with His life. Its the only way to complete. To be whole, to prosper, to find rest. When Jesus came he came as a friend to fulfill a promise that we could find peace and forgiveness. In the Jewish culture Shalom is used as a greeting like “hello” and “goodbye” but it isn’t just a simple greeting its a blessing.
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