Each fall teachers and students get to have a fresh start. After a summer break it’s a chance to reset, make new goals and try again (no matter how tough the last year was). I work in a county that begins school after Labor Day weekend, so in just a few days students and teachers will fill the hallways of schools in our area. On this day I will begin
Repentance and Confession
Confessing our sins to God and repenting from those sins is not something we talk about a lot in our Christian circles. I think a lot of people believe you should repent and confess once as a step of salvation and then you’re done. I also think that people don’t like to confess because we live in a society that’s all about competition and one up-ing each other. We don’t like
Fruitful, Understanding the Lifestyle
If we are to live a life that is pleasing unto God, it is imperative that we understand the lifestyle of living fruitful. This week we are going to take the time to read over Galatians 5, so that we can understand what the Word of God says about living this life. Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again