What holds you back? What stops you from completing your goals, chasing your dreams and grabbing them? What holds you back from doing what you have always wanted to do? Is it fear, fear of failure? Fear of what others may think? Of not being excepted? Is it too stressful right now between work and the kids, and running the house? Are you sidetracked, being pulled in to many direction
5 Questions to Ask to Check if Your Goals are Godly
Do you set goals? We hear all of the time that we should set goals. Career goals, Life goals, Fitness goals, Family Goals, etc. Goals are great. They provide us with a clear destination. We have to challenge ourselves to make sure our goals are Christ-centered. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through
Are My Goals Godly Goals?
Football season has come once more with all its tailgating, hoodies and all of its fun. Can I just say that my poor dad has tried to explain the game to me, but I never was really interested in sports. I would rather be curled up in a quiet place with a good book, or out exploring new places than cheering on a team. Poor dad, he tried… but the