Each fall teachers and students get to have a fresh start. After a summer break it’s a chance to reset, make new goals and try again (no matter how tough the last year was). I work in a county that begins school after Labor Day weekend, so in just a few days students and teachers will fill the hallways of schools in our area. On this day I will begin
The Power of Praying Relationships
I have no idea if my praying friends and family members knew what they were doing for me, but the Lord knew. In the spirit, through their prayers, they were strengthening me. Their prayers were changing my situation because they were going to war on my behalf. I could not fight because I was under attack, but I made sure to send a distress message, and boy am I glad that I did.
Verses to Pray Over Your Husband
If you know me and my blog, you know I blog about marriage because it’s something I’m passionate about. I believe a healthy and happy marriage is possible with just a little work and prioritization and I believe that you can build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way. But you can’t do it by yourself. God has to be present in your marriage. He plays an important
We Aren’t Worthy
This is a war. And now that you have pulled back the shroud, a little, and peeked beyond at the battle raging beyond, you have two choices. Let the curtain fall, turn and cover your eyes pretend that nothing happened. That nothing was on the other side of that curtain. Or, grab that curtain, pull it free and go…to… War. “Let someone else do it. Let someone else give
How to Combat the devil’s Schemes as a Teen
Why is it so hard to follow Christ when you are a teen? Sadly, I have realized in the couple of years that I have been a teen it is extremely hard to stay focused on Christ. There are so many distractions and temptations. It is hard to battle back. There is social media, peer pressure of so many different kinds (I could go on about that for forever), events
Repentance and Confession
Confessing our sins to God and repenting from those sins is not something we talk about a lot in our Christian circles. I think a lot of people believe you should repent and confess once as a step of salvation and then you’re done. I also think that people don’t like to confess because we live in a society that’s all about competition and one up-ing each other. We don’t like
The Battle Is Real
We’re all struggling, all fighting the same battles, facing the same ugly lies. We’re all in the same boat. We think we are the only ones facing it- but we’re not. Yes, the attacks against you are personalized, wrapped up with a bow especially for you, but the attack is nothing new. Its been happening since the beginning of time- back in a mist shrouded garden. No new battle plan
The Power We Have In Prayer
We all have situations in our lives. We have people in our lives that are dealing with health issues, relationship issues, and personal issues. Not only are they dealing with them, but many times we can find ourselves dealing with the same type of issues in our own lives. When we are hit with an issue, one of the first things that we tend to do is stop in our