As December gets a running start, it seems like everyone and their neighbor is getting ready for Christmas. It’s a time of joy, love, tradition, and giving, along with the gluttonous eating that we’re all so excited to partake in. However, not everyone is having a holly jolly Christmas this year. Not to be a little black rain cloud on this parade (as I truly do LOVE Christmas), but I do want us to remember that there are some that are hurting. Several people that I know of personally are going through some very difficult times right now: husbands not able to be with their families, deaths of loved ones, recent unemployment, etc. Perhaps even you are having a trying time getting into the “Christmas spirit” this year. If so, or if you know of someone, please remember that…
- You truly are loved and being prayed over
- As difficult as some seasons of life are, they are still only seasons, and they too will pass.
- Even in hard times, we can still hold onto the joy of the Lord… understanding that an all-knowing Creator sees all and knows where the pain ends.
It is so hard sometimes to remember that God sees more than we do. It should be a fairly obvious thing- you know, Him being God and all, but it’s not. There are so many times when we forget that we can only see a very small part of our lives… particularly when going through something troubling or difficult (then the view gets even smaller). While there’s not much that can be done about our physical vision regarding life and eternity, there is a lot we can do about our perception of it and our ability to let God do the rest of the “seeing” for us.
For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known. (1 Corinthians 13:12)
Think about the last time that you went through something really hard: a death, divorce, downsizing, depression, etc. Most people feel helpless and weak- void of any real strength and power to do anything. Now, we as Christians know all the Bible verses that we SHOULD go to in response to these times- “in our weakness, He is strong”, “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power”, and many more. These are amazing verses but I want to look at a few in particular that I believe go hand in hand to help us take hold of that strength that we so desperately lack when facing hardships. It’s going to sound cliché and practically impossible but here it goes…
1. Be content
2. Be thankful
3. Praise God
Don’t start a riot; I know what I’m talking about, so let’s break it down.
1. Be content
In Scripture, the apostle Paul says;
I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:11-13)
Contentment does not mean that you are excited about the situation you are in. One definition that Webster gives for contentment is “freedom from worry or restlessness: peaceful satisfaction.” Peace and freedom from worry or restlessness is contentment, not necessarily happiness. Paul wrote this verse while in prison; he was able to say that he was content because he discovered that, while he was absolutely powerless to do anything, it is Christ who gives us the strength to do everything that we need to do. Even in an extreme low, we can hold on because it’s Christ’s power doing the holding. Let’s see how to actually get that holy strength…
…for the joy of the Lord is your strength. (Nehemiah 8:10)
Now, granted, contextually this verse is Nehemiah’s encouragement to the people who were rebuilding a wall and their lives. {Read Nehemiah for the full story- it’s awesome!} However, this promise is true for believers today because we know that it truly is the joy of God that gives us the power to do anything worthwhile. OK- I know what you’re thinking, how in the WORLD am I supposed to be happy when I’m going through _________?! Well, again, I’m not talking about being “happy” about your situation. I’m talking about being able to rest in God, knowing that He is in complete control, and finding satisfaction and peace (AKA: joy) in knowing that while the world seems to be spinning out of control a God who loves you is holding it in His hands. This is to be our strength when we are powerless- knowing that God WILL always keep His promises and He WILL NEVER leave our side; we are NEVER ALONE. That joy is our strength. Let’s keep going and look at the last 2 verses that show us exactly how we are to obtain that joy…
2. Be Thankful
…in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)
“AGAIN?! SERIOUSLY?! First you ask me to be content, then joyful, now give thanks?!”
Yeah, I am. Here’s what’s shakin’ bacon- this verse is not saying to tell God thank you because you like going through pain and suffering; that’s a bit ridiculous. What this verse DOES say, is to give thanks IN everything. In other words, no matter what situation you are in or problem you are dealing with, you can still thank God. Here’s some things to get you started; thank Him for:
- Who He is
- How much He loves you
- That He will always keep His promises
- That you’re never alone
- That in the middle of the pain, He’s right beside you holding you (even if you don’t feel it)
- That when everyone and everything else disappoints you, He never will
- Suffering in and of itself (when not caused by personal sin) makes you more like Christ than every before
- That no matter what, He will always do whatever brings Him the most glory and you the most good… even if that good is making you into the person you’re supposed to be via a very difficult road.
Even if all you can thank Him for is the privilege of praying to Him when things are tough, that’s enough to start with! The point is to remain focused on Him and His goodness, even when all you can see is the pain. OK, let’s read the last one that must accompany being thankful to God…
3. Praise God
Through Him then, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that give thanks to His name. (Hebrews 13:15)
Thanks and praise goes hand in hand. It’s pretty hard to truly dote on someone without praising them right?
“Oh my goodness, thank you so much; you are amazing!”
“Wow! You did not have to do that; you are so sweet!”
“I could not have asked for a better gift; thank you! You always know how to make me smile.”
If we can praise people so easily, how much easier should it be for us to praise our Creator? The catch though, is that there are so many times when we don’t want to praise Him; while that’s not good- it is normal. The writer of Hebrews knew exactly what he was talking about here… praise is sometimes a sacrifice. A sacrifice is something that is hard or even painful to give up. In the Old Testament a sacrifice caused a lot of pain (potential physical for the animal and emotional for the person) to cover the burden of sin. Now, even in praise, sometimes we have to endure the negative feelings and praise God anyway. The reason is because, regardless of our circumstances, He deserves it! When we put God in His proper place of honor in our minds and hearts, He then is able to work through us in order to grow us and allow His power to do the work necessary to bring us where we need to be. Ultimately, that is on the other side of the storm. It’s a lot easier to weather a storm with a King-sized umbrella then with nothing over our heads simply because we won’t acknowledge the benefit of the umbrella being available to us. Make sense?
Now, while it may be tough to do these things, I do believe that these are the keys to having the strength necessary to get through life’s battles. We truly do have tunnel vision and can only see a tiny part of the picture right now. When we offer our sacrifice of praise to God we allow Him the freedom to do the work in the areas we can’t see. When we trust that He knows what He’s doing, we receive the peace, security, and contentment that bonds together to usher in that joy of the Lord.
That, my friends, is strength.
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