We all have situations in our lives. We have people in our lives that are dealing with health issues, relationship issues, and personal issues. Not only are they dealing with them, but many times we can find ourselves dealing with the same type of issues in our own lives.
When we are hit with an issue, one of the first things that we tend to do is stop in our tracks. We wonder what just happened and what did we do to get ourselves into the situation. We try to find out who is to blame and, often times, we begin to try to quickly point our finger at the person that we think is the enemy.
Why did this happen? That becomes the biggest question of all.
Can I tell you something? When we do that we are focused on the wrong part of the situation, the problem. Instead of the problem, we should be focused on the solution.
What solution?
I know what you are thinking. When you are in the middle of a situation, the problem seems like the biggest part of it. It is the part that is causing you pain and distress. It is feeding your fears and causing you anxiety. In the middle of this, how can I possibly be telling you to focus on the solution?
Alright, here it is.
You don’t have to know the exact solution to every problem because the first step to solving the problem and fixing the situation is to pray.
Yes! Pray.
Prayer is the gateway to our solution because it is how we communicate with God and how he has permitted for us to bringing the will of God to this earth.
Yet, even when I am writing this, I am reminded of the many times that I felt stuck and unable to pray in a situation. The thing is, God has given us the means by which we are to win at life, but implementing it isn’t always that easy.
Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. ~Matthew 26:41
Not only do we find ourselves in a spiritual battle that feels like it has rendered us helpless, but we also have to fight a battle with our flesh. This is one reason why it is helpful for us to remain in the Word of God and in communion with Him. We will find that our spirit will be strengthened in this process.
Not only will our spirit be strengthened, but we will also find that the knowledge that is gained by our mind, with empower us with the we needed faith to get unstuck.
You can’t pray without faith.
Not only will our prayers bring about change in our lives, but they will also bring about change in the lives of others.
What do I mean?
In the Bible, there are examples of people that knew God and trusted Him. Because of their trust in Him, they had the boldness needed to pray. When they prayed things happened.
Then Abraham prayed to God, and God healed Abimelech, his wife, and his female slaves so that they could bear children, ~Genesis 20:17
If you are not familiar with what was happening with Abimelech and Abraham, read Genesis 20.
In it, we are brought to a place of understanding that sometimes people find themselves in hard situations that they cannot get out of on their own. However, those of us who pray to God can help them, by standing for them and interceding before God on their behalf. (Genesis 20:7)
That is the power that we have in prayer. We can pray for ourselves, but we can also pray for other people. We can pray that their lives be free from bondage. We can pray that their families are healed. We can pray that wombs would be opened up. We can pray that depression be eradicated from their minds. We can pray ___________. You fill in the blank.
What can you pray that you know will help someone else?
In all of the ways that we try to help people, this is one of the most powerful ways.
We are not JUST praying for people. We are STANDING in prayer for people. We are going to WAR for people. We are FIGHTING for people.
So the next time that you wish that you could do more to help a person, take their need to the Lord. Ask Him to come to his or her rescue. Ask Him to place a hedge of protection around her and her family. Stand on the Word of God in faith, boldly asking God to move the circumstances in a situation on your sister’s behalf.
He will do it.
The Bible says that His eyes run to and fro throughout the earth because he is looking to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. (2 Chronicles 16:9) When we come to Him in prayer, we are asking Him to show Himself strong. He is more than ready to do it.
I believe that He was just waiting for us to ask.
Prayer is our invitation for God to enter our atmosphere with His will. His will is to heal, set fee, and deliver.
I hope that this has helped you to get a glimpse of the power that you have in prayer.
My prayer for you today is that God would open up your eyes to show you the fullness of the power that you possess in Him. I pray that He would give you the boldness to go into His presence and obtain what is needed for both you and those you pray for. In Jesus’ might name. ~Amen
Your prayerful sister,
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