There are times in our lives when the normal, ordinary, and mundane don’t have the ability to move us from point A to point B. Our lives and emotions are being stretched in a way that only two things are possible; something good or something bad will come out of it. In these times, it is very important to realize what faith can do. Most of the time, the only way to do that is to go back to the Word of God. What did He say about faith and its power on our lives?
“As for God, His way is perfect the word of the Lord is tried; He is a buckler to all them that trust in Him.” ~2 Samuel 22:31
Lets start here. Where is does our faith start? It starts with who we put out trust in. Many people trust in a chair prior to sitting down. They know that the chair is strong enough to hold all of the weight of their bodies. Therefore, they do not consider that when they go to sit down, it will disappear. No, the reputation of the chair precedes the inclination to doubt its sturdiness.
This is what we must do with God. We must understand His reputation, whether it be in our own lives or in that which we have seen and read, so that our faith and trust can be built in Him. This is what is meant in the scripture that says
So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. ~Romans 10:17
When faith needs to be built, the best way for it to come is through the hearing of victories of faith. When we read or listen to the word of God, our faith is increased because it builds trust in who God is. His reputation is built within us, so we not only come to believe in God, but we believe God. We move from a place of knowing that He is real, to knowing that we can stand upon His word because He is trustworthy.
Ten years ago, I was the new mom of two little boys. My oldest was four years old and my youngest, at the time, was just born. I was dealing with the stresses of motherhood, learning to be a wife, and going to college. All of this began to put a heavy weight upon my heart about doing all that I had set out to do, when I was a young girl in high school. I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to accomplish the dreams that were in my heart, and to put it quite frank, life was not easy.
My husband and I were in our fourth year of marriage and had not yet come to learn how to work together in a way that we beneficial to the growth and health of one another. We were in love, but the challenges of life, made marriage hard. I had learned to be the mother of one child, but being the mother of two, complicated things a bit. I needed to learn balance. I was in school full-time, and my grades began to suffer. In my mind, I was stressing so bad that the thought of fulfilling all of these roles, brought me to tears.
One day, I sat down and prayed. I had been seeking God about what He wanted for my life and I knew that He was faithful, but I needed Him to show Himself through my faith. Within my spirit, I heard Him ask me this question, “do you trust me?” Well, you know my answer. I said yes. His response blew me away. “Then why do you fear?”
That question revealed so much within me that I committed myself to learn about the faithfulness of God. I told myself that I had to come to trust Him.
Let’s be honest. If the Lord is asking me if I trust Him, no matter what my answer is, the real answer is…no.
From then on, I read the Bible, vigorously, searching for scriptures that would prove to me that God was faithful and could be trusted. Do you know what happened? I began to see that God has been faithful beyond what my mind can truly comprehend. He has been faithful to a faithless people throughout the ages.
So, let me ask you this question. Where do you stand, when it comes to trusting God? Do you simply believe in Him, knowing that He exists? Or do you believe Him?
You say you have faith, for you believe that there is one God. Good for you! Even the demons believe this, and they tremble in terror. ~James 2:19
When you believe Him, your faith is activated and you know that He will do, what He has said that He will do. You know that the things that He has said will happen because of your faith, will happen. You realize, if He tells you that you can move a mountain in your life, you speak to the mountain, by your faith and you tell it to move. You pray for the strength, go to the Word of God for confirmation, preserver through it, and then you walk it out by faith.
Speak to the confusion in your life. Tell it that is not welcome and has to go. By faith it will leave. It may take time, but it will go.
Don’t get me wrong. You will still have to seek God and back track a little, as I had, when I was in college. I had to take a break because I wasn’t called to do all that I was doing, at the same time. However, if you realize what God has called you to do, and don’t God beyond that, you will be successful. This is not always an easy thing to do. That’s why there is thing called the school of faith. You learn to do the will of God, as He has called you to do it and to live according to the faith that you have in Him.
If you will take the steps to seek God and know who He is, you will find that you are able to walk by faith and not according to your fears. Your fear will dissipate as your faith grows.
Today, I encourage you to come to know God beyond what He has done for your soul. Come to know Him as the faithful God that you can place all of your trust in. Come to know Him the One that care for you and all that you care about. Come to a place that you put all of you trust in Him because He will not put you to shame. (Romans 10:11)
This is the confidence that I have in the Lord. Romans 10:11 is my favorite scripture and reminds me that God is so faithful that He knows and challenges us to put all of our trust in Him. He declares that we will not be ashamed if and when we do.
So, what is it that you will do now?
- Take one step at a time
- Take one prayerful day at a time.
- Go back to the word and read the book of Exodus. See that the Lord was faithful to the children of Israel. Not simply in the spiritual way, but in the natural as well.
- Ask yourself this question, what do I need God to do for me and how can I stand upon His word to build my faith in Him as He is working it all out for my good?
- Commit yourself not to fear, but to faith and walk it out
If you need to talk or be encouraged, I’m here. I will also be praying for you. Leave me a comment, or send me an email (
Your prayerful sister,
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