Crash! Flashing lights. Wailing sirens. The news reports say you’re in critical condition — two words no one wants to hear when describing a loved one — an only child, a beloved son. Your condition is critical — in need of monitoring, constant care, attention to detail, and fervent prayers. Your status needs an upgrade, but doctors say it will take a miracle. We are praying for a miracle — a word from God, the intercession of the Spirit, a sign of hope.
Most of us understand physical critical condition, but few of us view emotional distress in the same way. There are many people in your spheres of influence who are walking around in emotional critical condition.
Assess your situation and that of those around you as I describe what this looks like.
One who suffers from emotional critical condition often times does so in silence. They may be consumed with worry, riddled with pain, or dying for attention. They may be privately cutting, silently journaling, smiling for the camera, yet struggling to breathe. They may be angry all the time, tough to reason with, or confrontational all the time.
I see it in children, their parents, my neighbors, and me (at times). I read it on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. I see it on TV — reality shows, music videos, and in the lives of celebrities.
Is our entire world in critical condition?
Perhaps not, but it warrants a check in, a visit, or a phone call to assess the situation of those we know and love.
I remember writing a post last year about physical contact and how it’s vital to our existence to give and receive hugs. One of our basic needs as humans, according to Maslow, is food, clothing, and shelter. Once those needs are met, belongingness and love must be met in order for humans to survive.
Imagine going through an entire day without getting or giving a hug. Can you even imagine that? There are people who merely exist in our world without this simple act of physical contact that might upgrade them from critical condition. Something as simple as a hug, might be the answer to someone’s prayer.
Never miss an opportunity to upgrade someone’s condition from critical to stable. Their life may depend upon it.
Prayer for All
Lord God, thank you for waking us up this morning and shrouding us in your presence. I ask that you use us today and every day as your conduits of love. Send us wherever you choose as an answer to someone’s prayer or on a divine assignment. Equip us to say and do what is needed most. Grant us eyes to see as you see, Lord so that we may be your hands and feet — strong and purposeful — poised to hug and walk alongside our brothers and sisters who are in critical condition. May we always obey the tug of the Spirit on our hearts to love and to serve. May you always go before us as we fight the good fight. I ask all these things in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen
Michelle Malone
I'm a wife, educator, and lover of the Lord who believes in building strong, sustainable relationships. I use my blog as a vehicle for building bridges to other believers -- as well as those who don't yet know the author and finisher of our lives. I was called to serve and to lead, and I answered that call many years ago. My goal is to always listen and obey the tug of the Spirit to go where he may lead me -- knowing that my work here on Earth is the answer to someone's prayer.
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