If you know me and my blog, you know I blog about marriage because it’s something I’m passionate about. I believe a healthy and happy marriage is possible with just a little work and prioritization and I believe that you can build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way. But you can’t do it by yourself. God has to be present in your marriage. He plays an important
Repentance and Confession
Confessing our sins to God and repenting from those sins is not something we talk about a lot in our Christian circles. I think a lot of people believe you should repent and confess once as a step of salvation and then you’re done. I also think that people don’t like to confess because we live in a society that’s all about competition and one up-ing each other. We don’t like
The Rear View Mirror
I wrote a post last week about things that change the older I get. Today, I’m going to expound upon one of the things I listed; “The older I get, the more I realize that I am not running the show.” I would like to think this is how I feel. This is how I should feel. The more I mature, the more I should see God working in my life and trust Him