What is long suffering? Patience under repeated wrongs, forbearance under ill will, endurance in the face of adversity, steadfastness when everything is coming crumbling down. Long suffering. Often times when we think of long suffering we think of people struggling with illness or disease- like my grandmother or my aunts sister fighting cancer. But long suffering has so many more faces, long suffering is the person who bites their
When Fear Looks Efficient
Everyone has fears. Categories of phobias can range from the animal kingdom to personal pain and more. Among them all, most individuals can identify with the ever-looming “fear of failure”. God showed me something about this one this morning that caught me a little off guard. You see, I never really considered myself a fearful person. Cautious, yes; wary, sometimes; worrisome, rarely. Yet, I realized that there is a huge
A Different Kind Of Peace
Peace. Everyone wants it but few truly have it. When most people think of peace it involves world peace, Christmas, everyone getting along, or just a day laying on the beach. The word ‘peace’ is used 429 times in the King James Version, but what does it mean? I can mean tranquility, harmony, security, prosperity or well being. In the Old Testament the word used is “shalom” for peace. It
Peace is a Person
Peace seems to be pretty hard to attain sometimes, doesn’t it? Even when it seems that life is going right- personal balance and contentment can occasionally be just out of reach. For some of you, an inner feeling of calm comes naturally and not much can ruffle your pretty little feathers (I envy you). For the rest of us, there are many things DAILY that threaten to steal our joy and sense
Hello to the New-Old You!
We’re almost to the year 2016- WOOHOO! We made it, in one piece, probably a good bit relieved that we have another year under our belt. Regardless of your opinion on the whole celebration, the idea behind the hoopla is one that I fully support: taking the opportunity to be thankful for the year behind (even if it was a rough one), to plan and set goals for the year
One Silent Night
All of Heaven was silent for once; the winds of His praises had stilled. The flurry of wings that had always been heard sat anxious to see this fulfilled. This whisper of promise we heard of when man turned his back on The Way… resolve left its echo through creations’ cry and has been resounding each day. The host sat impatiently waiting; I knelt near the post been
Are You A Fan?
I stopped by a local drugstore once, just to kill some time before an appointment, and I met a very interesting character. There was a very kind and friendly woman who I started talking with that was, by her own admission, one of Star Wars’ biggest fans. She was wearing a black Star Wars t-shirt, matching watch, and was telling me about her vintage lunchbox with Darth Vader and the
Happiness Or Joy?
This time of year it is everywhere, from songs on the radio to signs on our front lawns. Joy. Glittering lights, Christmas trees, cookies, caroling, time spent with family – and if your lucky a sleigh ride-. From outside it looks perfect, doesn’t it? But once you open the door and step across the threshold a new picture meets you- a race for perfection, stress over the right gift, if only that family
Are You Here?
In this season of busyness, tradition, fun, exhaustion, Jimmy Stewart-induced nostalgia, and TONS of glitter, there is still a tendency for some to be a little joy-LESS. While there are a select few who may in fact naturally fall under the Grinch or Scrooge category… I’m mainly addressing those who may feel that JOY is only a word plastered on sparkly baubles and trinkets- not necessarily a condition of
Joy in Hardships
As December gets a running start, it seems like everyone and their neighbor is getting ready for Christmas. It’s a time of joy, love, tradition, and giving, along with the gluttonous eating that we’re all so excited to partake in. However, not everyone is having a holly jolly Christmas this year. Not to be a little black rain cloud on this parade (as I truly do LOVE Christmas), but I
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