I’m not sure where the backlash started for resolutions, but I’m not liking it! Why shouldn’t you make goals/resolutions/focus words for a new year? Why shouldn’t you admit where your weaknesses are for the year before and make plans to strengthen them?
This year, whatever you call it: goals, resolutions, whatever… make some! Think about your year, and what you want to work on, and do it! What’s holding you back?
My word for 2014 was “Relax” and I tried my hardest to learn to just relax. I believe I did a pretty good job, although the Mr. would say I didn’t relax enough!
I seemed to respond best when I focus on a word for the year rather than a list of resolutions, so I decided to continue the tradition this year. I even have my word(s) of the year personalized on my beloved Erin Condren planner so it’s always in eye sight…
2015 words of the year are: “Simplify Everything” sounds great right?
make (something) simpler or easier to do or understand.
1.all things; all the things of a group or class.“he taught me everything I know”
synonyms: each item, each thing, every single thing, the lot, the whole lot; More -
2.the current situation; life in general.“how’s everything?”
What’s your resolutions/goals/word(s) of 2015? Share below!
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