Do you have a longing to know God’s will? As God’s children, I believe it is safe to say we all have a longing to know what He has planned for our lives. I know that I get anxious to know what God has in store for me. I am a planner. I love to know everything. But I am human, not God. I do not know everything and this uncertainty gives me anxiety. When I begin to get anxious I do 3 things.
- Pray
- Seek God
- Wait
If we know God’s will, then we can live for Him.
Let’s dive into these three tips.
First off I choose to PRAY. Prayer is our #1 way to KNOW what God wants. It is our communication to Him and His communication to us. Did you know that prayer is our greatest tool? Praying has POWER.
Second, Seeking God. What does this mean? Here is a breakdown of what I think seeking God is.
- Looking for Him in the little things life has to offer. For example, the sunrise, or my little brother’s amazing abilities to play sports that God gave them. I can see Him in the new spring flowers beginning to rise out of the ground and the wonderful people He has put in my life to bless me.
- Spending time in God’s word. Spending quality time with Him studying His word. There is a lot of wisdom in that book that we can take advantage of and God has told us to! In Romans chapter 10, verse 17, God tells us that
“faith comes from hearing and hearing through the word of Christ.” (ESV)
By spending quality time in His word we are hearing, learning, and growing our faith.
- Thorough actions, you can seek God. What you do and say says a lot about you and your character. How you speak, how you play games, how you drive in rush hour traffic, how you help others, how you teach others, and most importantly how you show Jesus.
And last but not least, waiting. This is the hardest part of learning God’s will in my opinion. But the wait is essential. I have a tip to help you through the wait. If you take one day at a time and seek God one day at a time, then you will learn God’s will for you, in His perfect timing.
In Matthew chapter 7, verse 7, the disciple Matthew tells us,
“ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” (ESV)
We are told in God’s word to seek Him. God goes further to promise us that we will find what we seek (being Him).
I have come to the conclusion that by focusing on the Lord one day at a time and wanting to get to know who He is, He gives me a peace that surpasses all understanding. This peace is talked about in Philippians chapter 4, verse 7,
“And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Do you struggle with wanting to know God’s will for your life? Comment below and tell us! How do you focus on God?
Bella Kiefer
I’m a blogger at Life According to Bella , YouTuber, social media junky, daughter to the best parents, sister to three amazing and sometimes annoying brothers, and most importantly, a daughter of the One True King, the God of the universe. My Heavenly Father, who saved me from all of my sins and continues to do so every single day, is the most important factor in my life. My greatest passion is living my life for the One who loves me the most, that being my Savior, Jesus.
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