I am thinking of where I should start with this post, but I’m just going to jump right into it.
As bloggers, women, wives, mothers, sisters, friends, dreamers…you name it, we all want to be our best. No one wants to miss the thing that God has for them in life. No one wants to watch the next person write that book, sing that song, grow that blog, or ______(fill in the blank), while she sits on the sidelines…waiting. Yet, for many of us, this is what is happening. It’s not time to take to the main stage and step into the lime light. Yet I want to tell you this. You don’t need to put the cart in front of the horse just because of ambition.
Listen to me, now. I am trying to save you from a lot of frustrating nights and heartache.
Recently, I had to have a talk with my daughter. I realized that it is so easy to see and understand a situation, when you have been through it. You can give someone the advice that they need, which will save them the trouble of experience. The question is, will they listen?
This is the question that I want to ask you before I get into this topic any further. I need you and you need you to decide, within yourself, right now if you are even going to consider what I am about to say. If not, you might as well stop reading.
Go ahead! Think about it and answer. Yes or No…
If you are still reading, you must have answered yes or at least convinced yourself that you might need some of this information.
So, here it is.
The world that we live in is constantly tempting us to do things our way. We believe, because we have been told, by those that we deem successful, that there are tips and tricks to making things happen for success. Everywhere that we turn, there is advice telling us how to make more money, get more followers, do more, be more…
They are hyping us up and telling us to sell this and make that. Everything is so easy today, but I dare you to consider one thing.
Waiting on God is not easy!
Instead, it is one of the hardest things to do because you can’t see Him moving with your eyes. You have to discern that He is working on your behalf. You have to trust that He is bringing things into place for you.
Waiting requires faith.
So many times we are tempted to begin doing this or that, until we see the Lord move. However, I’m sure that you, like I, have asked God for something. Right? And the thing that you have asked for has not yet manifested to you. Thus, you have deemed that it will never come because God said “no.” That’s why you are going to do something else.
Let me tell you. You can’t have that mind-set. God does not work on our time schedule or clock. He does things perfectly and in a specific order.
While we are waiting and suffering in the flesh because unlike everyone else, instead of moving forward, we are remaining planted and waiting for God to give the go ahead; God is doing something spectacular for us.
We have to continue to have faith in God. For it is His will to do good things for us. Don’t allow His “wait” to sound like a “no.” Don’t give in to the temptation to fall in with the crowd because you don’t want to miss the movement. Don’t go along with people who display ungodly character because of their influence. It isn’t worth it.
Seek first the kingdom of God and all of His righteousness and all of these things will be added to you. ~Matthew 6:33
God has not forgotten you. He has not ignored your request. He just has different plans for you than for the others.
Don’t step ahead of Him to do your will. Trust His will and allow Him to prepare you for what is to come.
Guard your heart with all diligence for out of it flow, the issues of life.
Your time will come. Your season will change. Everything that God has promised you, will come to pass. His word is true.
Forget about what you see with your eyes both in the your life and in the life of others. You don’t know what that person is or has gone through. You don’t know if they are following the will of the Lord or not. You don’t know if the fruit of the spirit, integrity, and godly character are important to them. But you do know that it is important to you, so just wait on the Lord.
Again I say just wait on the Lord and DON’T GET LOST IN THE HYPE
Thanks for taking the time to read this. I hope that you were encouraged.
Your prayerful sister,
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